Introducing: new class types and schedule changes
New class type, new guest teacher, and extra lessons added…
The summer sun might not be shining anymore, but we have some shiny new additions to our schedule to keep you warm.
Yin Flow yoga
Your hour for deep rest and recovery. Yin yoga contributes to our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and supports recovery from fatigue. We remain in one posture for 2-4 minutes to allow gravity to do its work - it is a process of surrender, not of effort. Fascial release and soft movement of your joints can alleviate pain and relax your body.
Who is it for:
Anyone seeking a practice for flexibility and restoration
Anyone who wants to reconnect with their body, breath, and mind
Anyone rehabilitating after some injury (please let the teacher know about your precautions)
Zumba & Belly dance
Good news: Zumba classes by Dareen Hasan are back in Studio De Pijp on Saturdays at 16:30-17:30. And another Belly Dance Beginners class by Dareen Hasan will be added to the schedule on Sundays at 17:45-18:45 in Studio De Pijp, starting from the 6th of October.