Help Ukraine: Donate to send support
UPDATE 7th March, 2022:
The Zhembrovskyy fundraising campaign finished at midnight Sunday 6th March. We will send the fourth and final transfer shortly and update this page accordingly. If you would like to continue supporting the people of Ukraine, you can still donate via Giro555.
Book a group lesson
All the proceeds of our group lessons between Monday 28th February & Sunday 6th March will go directly to the cause.
Donate directly
Click the DONATE button below to send support. You can choose the amount to send (FOR CREDIT CARD AND PAYPAL).
Donate via Tikkie
If you prefer to SEND A donatION via IDEAL PAYMENT, then YOU CAN TIKKIE THE AMOUNT into our account, SO WE CAN forward it.
A different message, but one that lies close to our hearts…
Dear students and friends. Normally, the Zhembrovskyy school wouldn't be getting involved in politics or any other topic not related to fitness and dance, but in light of recent events and since many of your have already expressed your concern, we felt we needed to give you an update.
Want to help the people of Ukraine? Donate to send your support.
As most of you are aware, Russia invaded Ukraine early in the morning on Thursday 24th February. The military operation has triggered international condemnation, and the Ukrainian people are in need of help.
Ukraine is my country of birth. This war affects me personally but it will also lead to severe damage for a lot more families. In order to support all of the victims, the Zhembrovskyy studios will do a contribution and we have also set up a donations page in case you would like to contribute as well.
First I’d like to say Thank You to all of you who have already expressed your concern and offered support. It’s amazing to see what a beautiful community we have built here at Zhembrovskyy. It really means the world to me.
That is also what gave us the idea of this fundraising campaign.
How can you help? The proceeds from our group class bookings between Monday 28th February and Sunday 6th March will be donated and via this donations page you can choose to send extra support in the form of a value of your choice. Every little bit will help tremendously.
All the donations will be sent to the Ukrainian government to aid their people. Donations will go toward medical supplies, humanitarian aid, psychological services, military equipment and other areas of need.
We will update this donations page as we go, and if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your support!
Alexander Zhembrovskyy
Founder of the Zhembrovskyy studios